I received this cake from BIL's girlfriend, yeah, a big surprise from hubby. I didn't love the taste but Jo loves it so much until he finished 3 slices and totally forgotten about his lunch and dinner. I received the Estee Lauder's perfume from hubby on 16 February during his return from China. This year i have double happiness from him. Hope he can keep this on... :)

My FIL had a joyous afternoon to swim with his grandchildren on the second day of CNY. At first, Jo refused to dip himself inside the pool but finally hubby put him inside the pool successfully.

I managed to take Jo's funniest look while we had our lunch at Hilltop. He told us the Lemon- Teh-O is very "spicy". But i think should be very "sourly".

I had my 3D baby scan on 26 Feb. That's a wonderful scan i have ever seen though it charged me RM200 per scan. The baby's face seems very clearly to me, i found that he looks like Jo, yeah, another little naughty boy that Jo can play or even fight with. You know, i just can't wait myself to hold him real now..i love you my little boy!