Today marks the day of 1111th day from the day Jo was born. How time flies as he is 3 now! In fact 1111th day isn't such a special day to talk about, but just jot down a bit to memorize this day.
weight - 18kg
height - 104cm
- He loves egg tart, but not the pastry. So, papa has to eat pastry that leftover by Jo.
- He loves raisin bread, but not the bread. So either papa or mommy has to eat the bread.
- He loves apple, kiwi and grape.
- He loves to eat meat especially duck meat.
- He takes 3 to 4 times milk daily with 8oz per time. Depends on how much he eats during his breakfast. If he is full, then 3 times are enough.
- He takes 3 meals per day. He is a small eater during breakfast, but lunch and dinner are ok as he can finish a plate of rice (as much as papa).
- He naps once daily, normally around 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Doze off again around 11pm.
- He has mild eczema on his legs and hands. Eczema gets worse if he takes duck meat. He needs to apply Cetaphil after each wash.
- He has sensitive nose so that we have to minimize the use of air-cond. Otherwise, he'll get runny nose easily.
- He likes to watch fighting cartoon especially Ultraman and Power Ranger, hence he always impersonates himself as either character and wants to buy some "representative" stuffs.
- He likes to do cycling.
- He can sing, but mostly like reciting as no rhythmic found.
- He understands well when we're talking hakka, but hasn't managed to converse well.
- His favourite catchphrases are "no manners" and "what are you doing"? (In English)
- He asks tons of question everyday, he'll ask QUESTIONsssssssssss on a simple sentence i said, e.g, if i say "Jo, come here and sit down", then the questions will like never ending comes out from his mouth. Somemore, he likes to ask questions while we're watching TV. So, i think not suitable to bring him to Cinema, as i guess people sure will throw us BANANA.
- The Crocs's shoe size he wearing is 12-13, but still have some empty space behind as he can't fit size 10-11. Imagine how big of his feet.
- He wants me to tell him story before bedtime, basically everyday is a same story which created by me. He doesn't like other stories, just want about "the dog bites the bad guy's buttock" story.
- He uses non-sterilized bottle now (i stop sterilizing his bottles 2 days before his third birthday as i didn't bring the Sterilizer back to China).
- He takes 2 tablets of spirulina daily. Spirulina is good to prevent constipation. He has constipation sometimes if taking too much of apple.
- He uses Kodomo (Strawberry flavour) toothpaste now.
- Other than his blanket, he would hold "something" while he is sleeping. Normally is his toy.
This early morning, he asked me a very funny question, "why my bird bird is standing there?" (做么我的bird-bird会站起来的?)
Hubby answered him "because you want shee-shee". It seems like he is getting older and ready to ask some shameful but must know questions.
What else? I can't remember...will jot it down when i remember.
Happy 1111th day!