Today is my last day to update my blog and comment your blog.
Tomorrow i have to terminate my broadband service and do my final packing.
The day after tomorrow is time for going back to KL.
How long i will be staying in M'sia?
Sorry, i'm not able to answer you at this moment.
Where is my next destination?
Can be in WuXi (无锡), ShenZhen (深圳), St.Petersburg or Sabah.
However, i'm still guessing which one is God's determined place.
Thus, i'm going to lose in space from tomorrow onwards!
And, don't feel weird why you didn't see me in your blog.
Be patient, i will be back soon!
Though i don't know you,
but i read your sadness and happiness,
And i sure i know you well!
Take care all my beloved blogger's friends!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
10 Most Hopeful
- I hope my family can settle down in a stable place instead of moving around to different places.
- I hope i can see the bright sun in order to beauty up my balcony with colourful quilt and bedsheet.
- I hope i can totally relief from the pain of tonsilitis.
- I hope i can have one GOD instead of have to believe some superstitious's necromancer.
- I hope my son does behave like a good and smart boy instead of acting like a monkey that tricking his parents.
- I hope i can buy my son a big bucket of Lego before we are leaving this place.
- I hope i can buy as much as Esprit during my last shopping in HK.
- I hope to pack my belongings faster without Jo's disturbance.
- I hope to have a baby girl on my next pregnancy.
- I hope my pregnancy plan can be carried on if my next staying place isn't harsh to bear.
Why i'm so hopeful:
- I have had shifted 6 times of house, everytime i was like "give and give and give" my thingies to everyone that interested in, and the ridiculous that i have to buy the thingies again in my new place.
- It's raining every second, every minute, every hour continuously without stop.
- I have to control my meal to avoid heaty and spicy food, otherwise i will suffer tonsilitis easily. But worse that i am craving for a piece of steak at the moment.
- I know i will be being forced by believing the necromancer for straighten Jo's legs.
- I hate to act like a crazy woman to scold, smack and chase my son surrounding the mall or even the street. I hate him to excuse himself by telling lie to us.
- Recently Jo develops his Lego skills very well, he could sit still and build the sets if the mall has Lego provided. I bought a Mega Block for him when he was 1 year old, but i'm not sure where is the blocks now after moved my Puchong house. Personally i think the bucket is more cheaper than M'sia but i know it's impossible to bring back due to its size.
- I like Esprit every much, i do hope my luggage has enough space for lodging my clothes.But since we're almost overloaded with our luggages, so have to lay aside the plan.
- We're rushing for our packing, but Jo just keeps disturbing us. He even threw my wanted things without telling me.
- I hope i can have a daughter, is it possible?
- I hope i can pregnant again after September, but does my new place is suitable for pregnancy?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Sooooo Creative!
Jo was playing Lego at Jusco...

This's the final built...

Mommy asked "Jojo 做了什么东西?" (Jojo, what you did?)
Jojo replied "Wow"
Mommy asked "要不要叫dog咬爸爸?" (Wanna ask the dog goes and bite papa?)
Jojo replied "不要". (Don't want.) it like dog? Even I looked from left and right and from up and down, though i couldn't brag myself that is a dog. What do you think of it?
While in bedroom...

Jojo was playing his truck...
He raised the truck up with the chopstick and kept saying "Wu...wu...a-plane". (FYI, he calls aeroplane as a-plane)
Mommy said "Jojo, 这不是aeroplane, 是lorry." (Jojo, this isn't an aeroplane, it's a lorry)
Without response and the "Wu...wu...a-plane" kept surrounding my room.
After a while...

Jojo was mumbling there "".
Wow, he would call it as a-plane when it is flown high and he would call it as car-car when it's landed without the chopstick.
All of a sudden i found that Jojo is so creative! (Or, silly?)

This's the final built...

Mommy asked "Jojo 做了什么东西?" (Jojo, what you did?)
Jojo replied "Wow"
Mommy asked "要不要叫dog咬爸爸?" (Wanna ask the dog goes and bite papa?)
Jojo replied "不要". (Don't want.) it like dog? Even I looked from left and right and from up and down, though i couldn't brag myself that is a dog. What do you think of it?
While in bedroom...

Jojo was playing his truck...
He raised the truck up with the chopstick and kept saying "Wu...wu...a-plane". (FYI, he calls aeroplane as a-plane)
Mommy said "Jojo, 这不是aeroplane, 是lorry." (Jojo, this isn't an aeroplane, it's a lorry)
Without response and the "Wu...wu...a-plane" kept surrounding my room.
After a while...

Jojo was mumbling there "".
Wow, he would call it as a-plane when it is flown high and he would call it as car-car when it's landed without the chopstick.
All of a sudden i found that Jojo is so creative! (Or, silly?)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Jo was having his ice-cream in McDonald...

Suddenly his eyes getting bigger and bigger...
He saw the Happy Meal's toys that hanging on the wall...
He ran to the counter and pointed to the toys...
He started to say "mama...mama, 來 (come)...
Mommy looked at the hanging toys...
Mommy asked the cashier which toy for the week...
Mommy turned the head to son and asked "你要?" (you want?)
He said "Hmm..."
Mommy said "你要讲“要”!" (you must say "want")
He said "要" (want)
Mommy unreconciled and said "你要讲“Jojo要买公仔”,不然mommy不买"
(you have to say "Jojo wants to buy toy", otherwise mommy won't buy)
He said "不要" (doesn't want)
Mommy said "OK, 不要买" (OK, don't buy)
He said "不要吧,mama" (don't like this, mama)
Mommy said "你讲“Jojo要买公仔”" (you say you want to buy toy)
He said unwillingly "Jojo 要买公...公...." (Jojo wants to buy toy)
See, have to force him to speak, i worrying him and thinking is it any gold that keep in his mouth? Scare the gold falls if open the mouth?
Finally, the Happy Meal with the toy became his lunch.

Yummy, yummy time...

Burger time while in bus rode...

Before the nap time...
Mommy said "不要kacau mommy,去和你的toy玩!" (don't kacau mommy, play with your toy)
Suddenly, mommy saw Jo was covering the McDonald's toy with his favour blanket.

Suddenly his eyes getting bigger and bigger...
He saw the Happy Meal's toys that hanging on the wall...
He ran to the counter and pointed to the toys...
He started to say "mama...mama, 來 (come)...
Mommy looked at the hanging toys...
Mommy asked the cashier which toy for the week...
Mommy turned the head to son and asked "你要?" (you want?)
He said "Hmm..."
Mommy said "你要讲“要”!" (you must say "want")
He said "要" (want)
Mommy unreconciled and said "你要讲“Jojo要买公仔”,不然mommy不买"
(you have to say "Jojo wants to buy toy", otherwise mommy won't buy)
He said "不要" (doesn't want)
Mommy said "OK, 不要买" (OK, don't buy)
He said "不要吧,mama" (don't like this, mama)
Mommy said "你讲“Jojo要买公仔”" (you say you want to buy toy)
He said unwillingly "Jojo 要买公...公...." (Jojo wants to buy toy)
See, have to force him to speak, i worrying him and thinking is it any gold that keep in his mouth? Scare the gold falls if open the mouth?
Finally, the Happy Meal with the toy became his lunch.

Yummy, yummy time...

Burger time while in bus rode...

Before the nap time...
Mommy said "不要kacau mommy,去和你的toy玩!" (don't kacau mommy, play with your toy)
Suddenly, mommy saw Jo was covering the McDonald's toy with his favour blanket.

And, Jo have his funny solo conversation with the toy...
Jo said "被被呀,ooi ooi啊,shee shee啊? " (blanket ah, sleep ah, pee pee ah)
Hmmm, he instructed his McDonald's toy like what normally mommy instructs him.
And, finally....both slept together...
Jo is a boy, but he behaved like a girl!!! Oh, no...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Incredible Achievements
Jo is physical and technical perfectly, he learnt anything either physical or technical very fast than speech development. Jo is a sporty boy that inherited the genes from his daddy as daddy was an athlete last time. He turned his body at 3 months old, started to crawl at 5 months old and his first stepped was on 10 months old. Jo did his first somersaulting when he was 14 months old. (21 May 05)
Apart from physical, he can play the DVD player by observing once, he knows the different functions manipulated on the washing machine, he knows how to switch the fan in different modes, he knows how to charge my handphone and camera, he knows how to flush the toilet, he knows how to make the lukewarm water from the water dispenser, he managed to kill the mosquito by the electrical gadget (蚊拍) and currently he learnt a new skill, guess what is the new skill?
Hehehe....he knows how to take photo by using camera and even handphone.

What do you think of his masterpieces? Too abstracted until you can't figure out what he trying to shoot? But for masterpiece 2 and 3 could consider "got face to see people" lol. (有脸见人)
Apart from physical, he can play the DVD player by observing once, he knows the different functions manipulated on the washing machine, he knows how to switch the fan in different modes, he knows how to charge my handphone and camera, he knows how to flush the toilet, he knows how to make the lukewarm water from the water dispenser, he managed to kill the mosquito by the electrical gadget (蚊拍) and currently he learnt a new skill, guess what is the new skill?
Hehehe....he knows how to take photo by using camera and even handphone.

What do you think of his masterpieces? Too abstracted until you can't figure out what he trying to shoot? But for masterpiece 2 and 3 could consider "got face to see people" lol. (有脸见人)
Monday, May 22, 2006
The day in mart
We did our grocery shopping this morning, Jo pulled the trolley himself while we just stepped into the Mart. I felt proudful that Jo was behaved like big and smart boy for helping mommy to carry on the trolley. I started to pick the stuffs wanted from the racks and put inside the trolley, suddenly Jo shown his unsatisfied look and signalled me to hold back my stuffs by his cacoepy words and hand gestures. However, i still held back my stuffs even i was a bit anger and felt weird what's wrong with him.
After a while, Jo started to fill the basket with his favours, he took the cup Jellies, sweet, Yakult and Pringles. Eventually his action was totally awaken me why he don't allow me to put my stuffs inside the basket. Perhaps he thought he was the one who pushed the trolley, thus the basket only could fill with his stuffs instead of mommy's stuffs.
See.....the basket was totally fruitful with junk foods.

After a while, Jo started to fill the basket with his favours, he took the cup Jellies, sweet, Yakult and Pringles. Eventually his action was totally awaken me why he don't allow me to put my stuffs inside the basket. Perhaps he thought he was the one who pushed the trolley, thus the basket only could fill with his stuffs instead of mommy's stuffs.
See.....the basket was totally fruitful with junk foods.

Sunday, May 21, 2006
The most up-to-dates

Today, Jo is 26 months and 6 days old.
Height - 97cm
Weight - 15kg
Jo has 16 teeth since 18 months old, recently no new sprouting. Oh, is it deprived of calcium?
Jo Can speak lot of single words, but seldom in couplets. He can pronounce his favour's dessert "A-kim" (Ice-cream), "Ji-li" (Jelly) and Cola when i have my grocery shopping in the mart. Summarize that he owns baby language more than proper language.
Jo does his own pee and poo without mommy's helping since he was 21 months old. He would pull down his pants and sit on the potty and finish his small/big business. But funny, he would tell mommy about this time is "Shee...shee..." or "Ummm...ummmm".
Jo recent milk intake is 8oz (since he was few months old) on every feed. He refuses milk on cup so still sticking on his bottle. Mommy can't count the exactly water intake per day, sometimes he drinks more than daddy and mommy, i think this is the culprit why he got the puffy eyes most of the time. Jo accepts to drink water from cup but if milk he would whine and whine until mommy surrender to pour the milk into the bottle. I think milk from bottle just like his soother.
Jo takes 3 meals everyday, small portion of breakfast with sausage and noodle or macaroni, rice served mainly for lunch and dinner. He loves meat than veggie, he would eat the meat first then turn to rice and veggie is the last, so i prefer to feed him rather than let him to feed himself.
Jo is more independence now, he wants to :
-- soap himself
-- brush his own teeth
-- dress up by himself
-- feed himself (would roar to mommy if mommy insists to feed him)
-- walk up/down the staircase
-- take water himself from water dispenser when he is thirsty
-- wear socks and shoes by himself
Jo likes normal kid goes, he loves to eat junk food and he is a sweet-toothed (喜好甜食) boy.
Jo eats whatever fruits that mommy served, but his recent favour is grapes.
Jo knows how to tell lie, i really scratched my head where and when he learnt to lie. Perhaps, telling lie is from innately.
-- When Jo doesn't want the rice, he would tell mommy the dishes served is spicy.
-- When Jo doesn't want to walk, he would tell mommy his legs is painful.
-- When Jo doesn't want to drink, he would tell mommy he feels full.
Jo's temper is out of control occasionally, he would roar with anger when something is not belong to his desired.
Jo has grown up galore with loves. I hope he can grow healthy and be a good and fealty boy that love his God and his parents.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Wandering to Hong Kong
14 May 06
We went to HK by the earliest ferry (8:30pm), the day before i was thinking to change my mind for not taking the ferry as the weather here was so bad and the storm warning was being lit on, but i wanted to save more shopping time so finally we stepped on the ferry and i was the one who suffered the nausea.
I was celebrating my third Mother's day this year, this time is the special one as i could celebrate in my favor's place HK and it's first time to attend my church service in HK. At night, we went to "Avenue of Stars" to enjoy the special "lightings" that last for 15 mins. The lighting effect will turn the dark to glitter and the music playing is heart-stirring. "Avenue of Stars" is located in Tsim Shat Sui Promenade (尖沙咀海滨長廊 aka 尖东海旁), is a place that salute to eminent Hong Kong film workers, so it won't be surprise to see those hands-imprinted and sculptures over there.

15 May 06
We went to Disneyland on Monday, we supposed to leave my friend's house earlier but due to some delays hence we only arrived in Disneyland at 12:24noon.

The train and the decorations inside the train are fantastic, even the hanging hand holder is with Mickey Mouse's shape!

I was so innocent initially to think Disneyland would be less congested as it's a Monday so it's definitely out of my expectation to see those crowds! The weather was quite windy and the sun was almost being shaded by the clouds (actually seemed raining soon). Jo's soul was being rekindled when he saw "Dumbo the Flying Elephant","Mad Hatter Tea Cups" and "Cinderella Carousel", kids are kids that smart enough to survey around for their favor's events, just like Jo would look for his favor and even lined up the queue by his own. Since Jo is 26 months old, so most of the events are not allowed for us, Emm...actually is quite bored to play with Jo's favors.

There are 4 attractive places in Disneyland:
- Main Street, USA
- Adventure Land
- Fantasy Land
- Tomorrow Land
We spent most of our time in Fantasyland as Jo wasn't allowed to join some playings in Tomorrowland, hubby was a bit disappointed when knowing 3 of us couldn't enjoy together. We lost our stroller when we were playing the flying elephant, luckily the security guards there are kind enough to compensate another stroller for us and gave us a bottle of mineral water FOC. Don't think merely a mineral water, you know how much it costs in Disneyland, is HKD10 for the small bottle that can finish drinking within 30 seconds. Because of the case of lost stroller, we missed out a lots of other attractions in Fantasyland especially i missed my photo shooting with Donald Duck! You know, Donald Duck is my favour character!
The stroller can be borrowed in Disneyland with HKD50 for deposit and HKD50 for whole day rental. Thus it's very convenience for family with youngsters. But must becareful to take your belongings before you park your stroller at the parking slots. Some unethical people will pull away your stroller even the stroller is being marked down with your child's name. So, if you see the stroller without the name card then is meant this stroller is high probability from stolen.
At the Tomorrowland:

At 3:30pm, Disneyland has their festival parade that we can meet all the Disney friends and a lot of pixie dust.

After the parade, we headed to Winnie The Pooh's place as we took the Fastpass earlier before the parade, so we skipped the long queue to enter the place.

This is the entrance to read through the story of Winnie The Pooh.
We went to HK by the earliest ferry (8:30pm), the day before i was thinking to change my mind for not taking the ferry as the weather here was so bad and the storm warning was being lit on, but i wanted to save more shopping time so finally we stepped on the ferry and i was the one who suffered the nausea.
I was celebrating my third Mother's day this year, this time is the special one as i could celebrate in my favor's place HK and it's first time to attend my church service in HK. At night, we went to "Avenue of Stars" to enjoy the special "lightings" that last for 15 mins. The lighting effect will turn the dark to glitter and the music playing is heart-stirring. "Avenue of Stars" is located in Tsim Shat Sui Promenade (尖沙咀海滨長廊 aka 尖东海旁), is a place that salute to eminent Hong Kong film workers, so it won't be surprise to see those hands-imprinted and sculptures over there.

15 May 06
We went to Disneyland on Monday, we supposed to leave my friend's house earlier but due to some delays hence we only arrived in Disneyland at 12:24noon.

The train and the decorations inside the train are fantastic, even the hanging hand holder is with Mickey Mouse's shape!

I was so innocent initially to think Disneyland would be less congested as it's a Monday so it's definitely out of my expectation to see those crowds! The weather was quite windy and the sun was almost being shaded by the clouds (actually seemed raining soon). Jo's soul was being rekindled when he saw "Dumbo the Flying Elephant","Mad Hatter Tea Cups" and "Cinderella Carousel", kids are kids that smart enough to survey around for their favor's events, just like Jo would look for his favor and even lined up the queue by his own. Since Jo is 26 months old, so most of the events are not allowed for us, Emm...actually is quite bored to play with Jo's favors.

There are 4 attractive places in Disneyland:
- Main Street, USA
- Adventure Land
- Fantasy Land
- Tomorrow Land
We spent most of our time in Fantasyland as Jo wasn't allowed to join some playings in Tomorrowland, hubby was a bit disappointed when knowing 3 of us couldn't enjoy together. We lost our stroller when we were playing the flying elephant, luckily the security guards there are kind enough to compensate another stroller for us and gave us a bottle of mineral water FOC. Don't think merely a mineral water, you know how much it costs in Disneyland, is HKD10 for the small bottle that can finish drinking within 30 seconds. Because of the case of lost stroller, we missed out a lots of other attractions in Fantasyland especially i missed my photo shooting with Donald Duck! You know, Donald Duck is my favour character!

At the Tomorrowland:

At 3:30pm, Disneyland has their festival parade that we can meet all the Disney friends and a lot of pixie dust.

After the parade, we headed to Winnie The Pooh's place as we took the Fastpass earlier before the parade, so we skipped the long queue to enter the place.

This is the entrance to read through the story of Winnie The Pooh.

After the Pooh, we were heading to Adventureland. So badly, we just managed to visit 2 events here, one is visiting to Tarzan Treehouse and another is watching the Lion King Show.

Since the Lion King Show is not allowed flashing camera, so my pictures are not pretty and a bit shaken. This is the wonderful show with splendid decorations and casting, even the singer is from African. My digital camera was out of the battery just on the half way of the Lion King show. FYI, you can bring along your charger to Disneyland as the City Hall is allowed people charging their electrical stuffs.

At 8pm sharp, it's a fireworks glitterly upon the Sleeping Castle.
(Pictures uploading soon as i need to find out my phone download cable)
Pictures with famous Characters:

16 May 06
Typhoon rate 1 (Pearl Typhoon) was hoisted, at night it rated to 3. (三号风球)
Thus, we just stayed in my friend's house and have the night-scene enjoying from 30 floor.

17 May 06
The typhoon was lashing Hong Kong Wednesday morning, so all the ferry services and flights were being stopped until further notice. Since we couldn't back to Zhong Shan, so we headed to Shen Zhen for our next vacation.
18 May 06
Home sweet home! I saw all the trees in my place are being tied by iron rod, this is for preparing the whirling of the first storm of the year. Oh, never seen the storm but finally met it in Hong Kong.
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