Staying in a country without blocking certain websites is always fun, you load the url and just a few seconds you can see the page, be frankly, i was a bit not used to see the page load directly in front of my eyes after staying in China for few years, as most of you know, China people do not have freedom to load websites freely because the government has blocked quite a lot of websites. Malaysia is good, i prefer to stay in Malaysia, but due to the issue of earning money, China is still the best for us.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Used Cisco
Cisco is powerful, but it is expensive to be applied in your business. If you are keen to use cisco but worrying the price, then you can think of used cisco, since it is refurbished so the price of course is cheaper than the new cisco. Wanna try? Do contact the Sapianet for getting 90 day warranty on Authorized Refurbished Cisco. Check it out for more information about how cisco can help your business.
Wanna order cheap eyeglasses
I was asked by few friends how's my recent trip, actually it's always fun to meet my family and friends again. What's more i had chance to eat the food i like again. I had been craving those hawker food for quite a long time, that's great i could finally sink my teeth on those super yummy foods. Actually this trip back i hardly used any money, as i would like to save my money for future, for a shopaholic like me, it's actually seemed hard to cut my spending. However i did try, i hardly shopped to branded shops for my maternity wear, as well as kids wear. Like one of my friend says "you won't wear maternity cloth for 365 days, so no point to spend huge money on those wears." I was agreed, that's why i just bought something cheap yet comfortable for myself. For the branded, i should have spent another more, but as for no branded, actually nothing much different if i put no branded with the branded together.
I had another mission wanted to be accomplished, that's to change my old specs. But terrible that i couldn't find a cheap specs in town, those selling price stated on specs are actually not worthed the money, what's more i know a lot of my blogger friends had got their eyeglasses at cheap price yet high quality from online. So, why don't i just save my money and buy the specs from ZenniOptical, you know, at just $8 i can have a pretty and stylist specs. I was glad that i successfully stop myself for paying few hundred on my specs at the Optical shop in my place, i really should have to shop wisely in such a bad economic time. I even told my sister that she should spend wisely too, since she wants to change her specs, then we can just order form ZenniOptical, just for saving the shipping cost! Who wants to order? Please let me know, so that we can save more on the shipping.

I had another mission wanted to be accomplished, that's to change my old specs. But terrible that i couldn't find a cheap specs in town, those selling price stated on specs are actually not worthed the money, what's more i know a lot of my blogger friends had got their eyeglasses at cheap price yet high quality from online. So, why don't i just save my money and buy the specs from ZenniOptical, you know, at just $8 i can have a pretty and stylist specs. I was glad that i successfully stop myself for paying few hundred on my specs at the Optical shop in my place, i really should have to shop wisely in such a bad economic time. I even told my sister that she should spend wisely too, since she wants to change her specs, then we can just order form ZenniOptical, just for saving the shipping cost! Who wants to order? Please let me know, so that we can save more on the shipping.
Check mortgage quotes online
Do you know what is the best mortgage rate now? With bad economic, i really wondered people are still able to get a good mortgage rate, what's more a lot of bankrupcy happens lately, so what will happen with such a bad credit background? I was told that we can simply check everything about mortgage online, getting mortgage quotes are easier nowadays with the booming of internet, you can get what you want in flash a time as long as you're connected to internet. Perhaps i should check the site out in order to know whether i am entitled any good mortgage rate or not.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just for laughs
Checking the detailed information of the unknown call
Prank calls are always annoying, but now, with the service provided by National Phone Numbers, you can easily track down the prank and unknown calls anytime at your convenient. Checking the detailed information of the call is now can be easily achieved by entering the area code for that phone number follow by the phone number. So with that detailed information, you can always be alert of the calls as well as lodging a police report. On top of that, you can have the service of Reverse Phone Number Lookup too, do check the site out if you are curious about someone's background.
A trip to Banson
A lot of people complained how the current economic crisis have affected them, but actually i really do not know are their words true enough to be trusted? Just look at my neighbor, who has been complaining how terrible of his current financial status is, but a little i knew that he actually just book a luxury family trip to Branson, so if you were me, would you still believe this guy has a financial hardship problem? Coincidentally, my man will travel to Branson, Missouri this coming December too, so these day my neighbor simply loves to visit us in order to get known more about Branson.
I have never been to Branson, but according to my Man, Branson is the wonderful place for getaway since it is a music and magic land, so, people like to address Branson as "Live Music Capital of the World". Of course traveling to a place, their historical and architectural building are always cannot be missed out. The attractions like The Titanic Museums, Veterans Memorial Museum and also Silver Dollar City are even have been attracting more than thousands of visitors every year. My man told my neighbor that he totally cannot miss out the thrill and excite rides in this famous theme park, Silver Dollar City, and what's more his 2 boys are following him to Branson too.
One thing i know for sure is, perhaps my neighbor doesn't have financial hardship, but as for us, yes, we have, if not, i will bring along my boys to join my hubby's Branson business trip too. Actually, i have put my name at their contest form, just pray hard i can win the 3 days/2 nights Deluxe Lodging Branson vacation, hehe...
I have never been to Branson, but according to my Man, Branson is the wonderful place for getaway since it is a music and magic land, so, people like to address Branson as "Live Music Capital of the World". Of course traveling to a place, their historical and architectural building are always cannot be missed out. The attractions like The Titanic Museums, Veterans Memorial Museum and also Silver Dollar City are even have been attracting more than thousands of visitors every year. My man told my neighbor that he totally cannot miss out the thrill and excite rides in this famous theme park, Silver Dollar City, and what's more his 2 boys are following him to Branson too.
One thing i know for sure is, perhaps my neighbor doesn't have financial hardship, but as for us, yes, we have, if not, i will bring along my boys to join my hubby's Branson business trip too. Actually, i have put my name at their contest form, just pray hard i can win the 3 days/2 nights Deluxe Lodging Branson vacation, hehe...
Any cheap sale?
My son always loves BumbleBee, so happened that i knew one of my friend wanted to sell off her Bumblebee, so without a second thought, i bought from her immediately because the price was acceptable. Now the Christmas present for my son has been settled, actually i am looking for other sale too since i still need to buy Christmas presents for my hubby and my little boy!
Slow processor
I have just installed Photoshop C3, gosh, i was a bit regretted to upgrade my Photoshop as it is burdening my computer processor and computer memory a lot. My processor becomes sluggish, and my computer would hang too once i open the Photoshop C3. So what should i do now? Reformat my computer? I am not a tech savvy, really do not have idea how to get my computer back to normal.
I am very angry with the service provided by the Shen Zhen Bao An Society Insurance (SI), i went there this morning as i was requested by the Jo's teacher to apply the society insurance by myself as the teacher couldn't do it on behalf of me since we're foreigner. I was fine to go there but the service given to people is damn lousy, and those staffs like very un-educated, they didn't have smiling face and even would show you their irritating look when you keep asking them questions.
我今早到了深圳宝安的社保局, 说真的我实在看不起在里面做事的人, 态度差, 样子更差. 坐在基金还偿11号和13号柜台的服务人员, 态度差的令我想作呕. 问她们东西等于没问, 她们连望也不望下我, 不是摇头就是不理人, 我更看到有服务人员对一个阿姨大声的喝骂, 阿姨把表格填错了, 那小姐就非常不客气的乱骂人. 对于一个外国人来说, 我实在看不起那些人, 还说什么中国人很团结, 单单看这些名义上服务社会人却乱骂社会人的人, 其实就能想像他们是什么人. 一个没念过书的人, 我不跟他计较, 可是在社保局做工的人应该至少有中学毕业, 那有最基本的文化基础, 可是为什么却一点美德都没有呢?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Part 2:办中国签证去
星期一下午两点之前我们又到了深圳市办证大楼, admin小姐在大门一开就冲去拿号码, 成绩不错, 只需等21位就到我们.
当到我们时, 那官员又说这没复印到, 那又没复印到, 实在烦死了. 他说话又不清不楚, 我们三本护照要交RMB480可是他只写了一张单叫admin小姐交RMB160. 结果admin小姐要走好几轮才把要印的印完, 要付的付完.
一切原以为很顺利, 真没想到问题在后着. 三个月的临时旅游签证虽然拿到了, 可是却是零入境. 我也问尽了可是他却说真的没办法帮我, 要怪就怪今年是奥运年, 所以中国签证出的很严. 他说我可以等多三个月, 因为明年就不会那么严了, 可悲, 不是我们这家有问题, 所有的外国人都同样命运.
我很紧张的说" 那我不是不能到香港去?" 他却回我说" 我没说你不能到香港, 你一样能去", 我又问他是否关口可以申请签证, 他说不能, 那我又问他"那我出了香港怎样回来中国?", 他又慢吞吞地说"那很简单, 你可以从香港回去吉隆坡, 再从吉隆坡回来中国". 他说了等于没说, 实在气死我!
我没说一定要去香港, 只是因为要产检, 我才逼不得已...
当到我们时, 那官员又说这没复印到, 那又没复印到, 实在烦死了. 他说话又不清不楚, 我们三本护照要交RMB480可是他只写了一张单叫admin小姐交RMB160. 结果admin小姐要走好几轮才把要印的印完, 要付的付完.
一切原以为很顺利, 真没想到问题在后着. 三个月的临时旅游签证虽然拿到了, 可是却是零入境. 我也问尽了可是他却说真的没办法帮我, 要怪就怪今年是奥运年, 所以中国签证出的很严. 他说我可以等多三个月, 因为明年就不会那么严了, 可悲, 不是我们这家有问题, 所有的外国人都同样命运.
我很紧张的说" 那我不是不能到香港去?" 他却回我说" 我没说你不能到香港, 你一样能去", 我又问他是否关口可以申请签证, 他说不能, 那我又问他"那我出了香港怎样回来中国?", 他又慢吞吞地说"那很简单, 你可以从香港回去吉隆坡, 再从吉隆坡回来中国". 他说了等于没说, 实在气死我!
我没说一定要去香港, 只是因为要产检, 我才逼不得已...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Holsted Jewelers
Although economic is quite bad of late, we have to spend wise in order not to waste those hard earned money. However, something which cannot be saved is Christmas presents. Christmas is still 2 months apart, but i have already started my present hunting. This year, unlike previous years, i would prefer to have a diamond ring or diamond bracelet since i do not have one. Knowing that Holsted jewelers has sale which can save up to 70% off, so i guess bad economic still letting hubby is affordable to buy either ring or bracelet for me. Be frankly, i am really drooling at their designer rings. Don't believe? Do check it out yourself.
Receipt of the photo

I was asked to give "照片回执" that day when i was applying my China visa. I didn't know what did the word mean, but finally knew that. "照片回执" in English is the receipt of the photo which uses to identify the photo is original and legal. Funny, that's one i have never seen in Malaysia. Taking the 2-inch photo here is expensive, RMB30 per person. If in Sabah, RM8 can take very nice passport size photo, unlike here, everything like cutting neck.
My stuffs finally are here....

I am thankful to those uncles and aunties, my stuffs were over 20Kg, but they willingness of helping me is priceless, thanks to them so much! So, melamine tainted in milk powder doesn't really affect my kids!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Disaster Recovery Software
I am seriously thinking to buy a disaster recovery software so that i can recover my lost files. I was really bad luck last Friday, it was not a black Friday, but i was just terrible unlucky as if it was a black Friday. I didn't know what happened to my computer, the virus just suddenly hacked my computer and i have lost quite a lot of important data. Some documents were belonged to my hubby, and he has not backup too. Gosh, that's troublesome, and he had been doing the budget report for about 1 month, and neither he and me remembered to do the backup. I hope the recovery software is able to recover all the lost documents, otherwise, another more nights need to be rushed for the budget report again.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Part 1:办中国签证去
今早, 司机8点半就来了接我到深圳市办证大楼去, 时间不算早不算迟, 够时间让我送大儿子上校车, 却不够时间让我吃个早餐. 一晚没睡好, 小儿子闹了一场又一场, 把我也闹坏了. 出门之前喝了杯MILO, 原以为能顶上一个钟, 怎知半个钟我的胃就开始不适. 早上8点多, 路上车子多, 车子忽停忽动把我闷坏了, 鸡皮疙瘩出了又消, 消了又出, 身体也冒着冷汗, 嘴巴谈谈的, 胃却翻腾着, 坐了40分钟后, 嘴里开始咸咸的, 感觉胃里的黄胆水也快要喷出来了, 好想叫司机放我在路边, 我顶多自己走路去办证大楼, 可是我不敢开口, 怕一开口就吐个不停. 而且我也不想让人知道我怀孕了. 我眼睛四处找着袋子, 以防万一, 可是一个袋子都找不着. 我拼命忍着, 把咸咸的口水往喉里吞, 幸亏在我快忍不住的时候我们却到了办证大楼.
同行的ADMIN小姐老是再上下大量我, 走着上楼时有有意无意地问我几时要生个小妹妹, 我没什么答她, 她却死死地拼命追问, 到最后我说迟点才算, 然后她又很像查家世那样问长问短的, 实在烦人. 终于拿了号码, 要等70位, ADMIN 小姐说不如去拿另外的一个号码到咨询台问问我的文件齐不齐全, 那就不用白等70位. 等了15分钟终于来到咨询台, 那态度极差的男人看了看我的文件却说:
"为什么? 我来了中国三年, 之前都能拿居留证, 为什么现在不能"
"到马来西亚的中国领事馆去办, 然后再去体检, 就能办居留证"
"我五月体检了, 体检证也带来了"
"没用的, 你的L签证的体检证是无效的, 一定要Z签证"
"那有什么办法可以拿签证, 因为我的签证这个月底到期"
那男人随便看了看, 说:
"你的住宿登记呢? 还有照片回折呢?
我听的一头雾水, 问道:
"派出所就是派出所" *答了等于没答*
"就是照片回折哪!" *又是答了等于没答*
我问身边的ADMIN小姐什么是照片回折, 她用手比了一比, 说"一张纸来的". 又是答了等于没答, 我当然知道是一张纸,但是什么纸呢?
今天又办不成了! ADMIN小姐说她会帮我办住宿登记, 就和老公的一样, 把住宿登记在老公的公司地址上, 但她又说"把住宿登记在石岩不知会不会影响你小孩在宝安上学", 我又纳闷了一会, 还是打了个电话去大儿子的学校查了查, 还好不会影响. 在中国实在很麻烦, 念个书又要去社保局登记, 又要体检, 更要看户口所在地. 她说今天以前会把我的住宿登记办好, 下星期一我们再去办临时旅游签证, 我听了又一把冷汗.
之后我们又重新拿过号码到咨询台去询问临时旅游签证的逗留期是多少, 那男人多说一句话都嫌麻烦, 只随口说了"到时会给你判断", 我真不能想像万一只拿到一个月逗留期的情形, 如果真的话, 就只好会马来西亚再办过, 可是一来一会却要两个星期, 我真的不想大儿子逃课那么久!
老公非常的不满, 可是又有什么办法呢? 之前体检被抽了两瓶血是白抽了, X-RAY也是白照的, 幸亏一切的费用是公司出的, 不然我更加心痛!
同行的ADMIN小姐老是再上下大量我, 走着上楼时有有意无意地问我几时要生个小妹妹, 我没什么答她, 她却死死地拼命追问, 到最后我说迟点才算, 然后她又很像查家世那样问长问短的, 实在烦人. 终于拿了号码, 要等70位, ADMIN 小姐说不如去拿另外的一个号码到咨询台问问我的文件齐不齐全, 那就不用白等70位. 等了15分钟终于来到咨询台, 那态度极差的男人看了看我的文件却说:
"为什么? 我来了中国三年, 之前都能拿居留证, 为什么现在不能"
"到马来西亚的中国领事馆去办, 然后再去体检, 就能办居留证"
"我五月体检了, 体检证也带来了"
"没用的, 你的L签证的体检证是无效的, 一定要Z签证"
"那有什么办法可以拿签证, 因为我的签证这个月底到期"
那男人随便看了看, 说:
"你的住宿登记呢? 还有照片回折呢?
我听的一头雾水, 问道:
"派出所就是派出所" *答了等于没答*
"就是照片回折哪!" *又是答了等于没答*
我问身边的ADMIN小姐什么是照片回折, 她用手比了一比, 说"一张纸来的". 又是答了等于没答, 我当然知道是一张纸,但是什么纸呢?
今天又办不成了! ADMIN小姐说她会帮我办住宿登记, 就和老公的一样, 把住宿登记在老公的公司地址上, 但她又说"把住宿登记在石岩不知会不会影响你小孩在宝安上学", 我又纳闷了一会, 还是打了个电话去大儿子的学校查了查, 还好不会影响. 在中国实在很麻烦, 念个书又要去社保局登记, 又要体检, 更要看户口所在地. 她说今天以前会把我的住宿登记办好, 下星期一我们再去办临时旅游签证, 我听了又一把冷汗.
之后我们又重新拿过号码到咨询台去询问临时旅游签证的逗留期是多少, 那男人多说一句话都嫌麻烦, 只随口说了"到时会给你判断", 我真不能想像万一只拿到一个月逗留期的情形, 如果真的话, 就只好会马来西亚再办过, 可是一来一会却要两个星期, 我真的不想大儿子逃课那么久!
老公非常的不满, 可是又有什么办法呢? 之前体检被抽了两瓶血是白抽了, X-RAY也是白照的, 幸亏一切的费用是公司出的, 不然我更加心痛!
NFL Jersey for autumn wear
The change of weather has made most of the people fell sick, even my hubby couldn't escape. Luckily, i am survived this time. The weather is getting windy of late, morning is always cold but hot in afternoon, this kind of sudden cold and sudden hot weather are easy to make people fall sick. I hope my hubby's germ won't pass to my boys, especially the little boy. He has been crying a lot lately, just like yesterday, he had those madly and crankiness cried for the whole afternoon, even went worse at midnight. I sincerely hope this little boy doesn't get sick, otherwise the whole family will be suffered.
Time just flies, it was like yesterday i was shopping for those Summer clothes for ready to CNY, but these days, i have been busying for hunting more sweater, jacket, long jeans, long pants and long sleeves for my boys. Last week i had just bought few sets of long sleeves and long pants for my boys, but those didn't seem enough as my elder boy needs to bring 3 sets of clothes to school everyday. So, i have to buy more for him to change. Had bought quite a lot of "Bob The Builder" jackets for him, even my hubby have made a lot of noises that his elder son doesn't look nice in "Bob The Builder" as he is no longer a little toddler. Hubby says i should buy those NFL Jerseys for him, so that our elder boy will look charm and smart and be the most special at his school. Perhaps hubby is right. Hubby's birthday is around the corner soon, maybe an adult NFL Jersey is perfect for hubby as well.
Time just flies, it was like yesterday i was shopping for those Summer clothes for ready to CNY, but these days, i have been busying for hunting more sweater, jacket, long jeans, long pants and long sleeves for my boys. Last week i had just bought few sets of long sleeves and long pants for my boys, but those didn't seem enough as my elder boy needs to bring 3 sets of clothes to school everyday. So, i have to buy more for him to change. Had bought quite a lot of "Bob The Builder" jackets for him, even my hubby have made a lot of noises that his elder son doesn't look nice in "Bob The Builder" as he is no longer a little toddler. Hubby says i should buy those NFL Jerseys for him, so that our elder boy will look charm and smart and be the most special at his school. Perhaps hubby is right. Hubby's birthday is around the corner soon, maybe an adult NFL Jersey is perfect for hubby as well.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
No reason
Don't ask me why...
As i also don't know the reason...
Feel very uncomfortable, the mouth so tasteless, the stomach like never digest food, the tummy like never getting full, the body like so tiring, but...sleep also cannot, sit also cannot, stand also cannot, eat also cannot and drink also cannot...sigh, i really don't know what i can do now?!
Don't ask me why...
As i also don't know the reason...
Feel very uncomfortable, the mouth so tasteless, the stomach like never digest food, the tummy like never getting full, the body like so tiring, but...sleep also cannot, sit also cannot, stand also cannot, eat also cannot and drink also cannot...sigh, i really don't know what i can do now?!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Fascinating Talk
I had a fascinating talk with Jo just now, i said "if you have a mei-mei, then we need to buy her a Barbie Doll", Jo beamed with pleasure after hearing my "envisaged a daughter" talked. Then he started to talk non-stop that we needed to prepare more like buying a "masak-masak" set, dolls, bears and all sort of girlish toys before the arrival of his sister. Although it's just a simple talk, it did bring me a lot of joys. As for hubby, he says "Oh, i can't imagine my family has a girl". Hubby is opponent as he always likes more boys, he says the more boys he has, the more brighter his face had.
A selfish mother

Pregnancy hormones have made me become a selfish mother. I ordered this rice (四宝饭) which has char-siew, siew yuk, roasted duck, chicken and salted egg last Wednesday, but i didn't share this yummy rice with my Jo. Jo has always loved to eat roasted duck meat, but i just so stingy for not letting him to share my "craving". After this yummy lunch, i ordered the same rice again the next day, i just loved the "siew yuk", but after taking this rice twice, the fancy buds left again. I feel shivering at seeing this picture now...overall speaking, i have different taste buds everyday..
Crumpler - Keystone

Alex (ex-colleague of hubby) will be going back to Australia next week, so to take advantage, i asked him to buy the Crumpler Keystone for me, hubby had made a call to him but my dear hubby doesn't know the price before he "ordered" the bag for me. After a while, he had sudden fancy to ask me about the price, he was almost fainted once i told him the Keystone is about AU$300. :)
I love this Keystone as it is roomy for me to keep all my camera gears at one go. And this Backpack is fine for me to bring along when go traveling as well as going back to Sabah.
I love this Keystone as it is roomy for me to keep all my camera gears at one go. And this Backpack is fine for me to bring along when go traveling as well as going back to Sabah.
Get registered middleman service
I received a lot of spam mails lately, most of the mails are from a same sender who is a trader in China. Her mails are regarding buying cheap furniture in China and she can help sending the furniture to everywhere around the world. Her charge as a middleman is relatively high, and those introduced furniture is not as cheap as those discount furniture. I wonder can her email work? Is there anyone will look for her middleman service? However, if you're currently looking for middleman service, it's always better for you to look for legal and registered one. That's at least safety to your money and your ordered stuffs.
My friend says sarcastically
One of my friend always talks sarcastically, one thing i hate the most is she always laughs at people skin problem, she would definitely say loudly "wow, her face looks so ugly with those acne". I don't like her attitude, and her endless of criticizing towards people even shows how ugly of her heart. She also likes to say "i never need any acne treatment as i have most prettiest skin among you all", but gosh, her skin doesn't look pretty, just she is lucky that she doesn't have acne.
Friday, October 03, 2008
我的婶婶刚好趁着十一假期去香港找我的堂弟, 我妈就顺道托了婶婶把我的旧护照带来深圳给我. 婶婶的妈妈, 婶婶妹妹的女儿也一起来找我, 婶婶的妈妈今年82岁, 却还很健壮. 我称呼婶婶的妈妈叫外婆, 跟着堂兄弟姐妹一样叫, 就连我儿子也跟着叫外婆. 其实他应该叫曾外婆, 可是我却没纠正他的错误. 至于婶婶妹妹的女儿他就叫姐姐, 也许是另外一种称呼, 可是我却不晓得.
虽然我们不是道道地地的中国人, 却也是华人. 所以华人一些的习俗我还是照样教着我的孩子. 我从来都不鼓励孩子见到亲戚就只会称呼uncle和aunty, 那样的称呼实在没有亲切感.我们不是香蕉人, 我也不鼓励我的孩子成为香蕉人, 就是外黄内白的那种, 是华人就是华人, 永远没必要去装成香蕉人. 可悲的是, 我身边很多朋友都爱装成香蕉人, 明明会中文也要用英语说 "我不会说中文", 难道会说中文很丢脸吗? 不承认自己是华人的人不比不承认自己会说中文来的丢脸吗?
虽然我们不是道道地地的中国人, 却也是华人. 所以华人一些的习俗我还是照样教着我的孩子. 我从来都不鼓励孩子见到亲戚就只会称呼uncle和aunty, 那样的称呼实在没有亲切感.我们不是香蕉人, 我也不鼓励我的孩子成为香蕉人, 就是外黄内白的那种, 是华人就是华人, 永远没必要去装成香蕉人. 可悲的是, 我身边很多朋友都爱装成香蕉人, 明明会中文也要用英语说 "我不会说中文", 难道会说中文很丢脸吗? 不承认自己是华人的人不比不承认自己会说中文来的丢脸吗?
Vehicle Reimbursement
We plan to have our own transport in this foreign country, without an own car, everywhere seems remote and hard to go. Sometimes i go panic too, as i just can't imagine how does the life like after No.3 is born. It is tough to take 3 kids to wave a taxi at the roadside, and taxi also cannot be occupied with 2 adults and 3 kids. That's why we think of having our own car.
A small car like Toyota Yaris is affordable, but it is not spacious enough for putting a baby carseat, as for Honda CRV, it is roomy for our family yet this top-notch Honda is expensive. Hubby is fine with the price of Honda CRV and he always has fancy over CRV, but my opinion is, we do not really need such an expensive car here, what's more we are not going to stay here for long. Therefore, i prefer a car which is cheap and also roomy, such as KIA. Let's see how, as we still need time to consider again.
Having a car will also increase our expenses too, a money that will go for petrol. Hubby's office is about 30mins away from our house, so we can roughly know how much of money we need to spend on petrol after doing a little bit of simple calculation. I have a friend whose company gives vehicle reimbursement, not sure hubby's one have this benefit or not. Vehicle reimbursement company is getting common nowadays, it actually benefits both employer and staff too. Perhaps should ask hubby checks out with his HR manager first before we heading to the car showroom.
A small car like Toyota Yaris is affordable, but it is not spacious enough for putting a baby carseat, as for Honda CRV, it is roomy for our family yet this top-notch Honda is expensive. Hubby is fine with the price of Honda CRV and he always has fancy over CRV, but my opinion is, we do not really need such an expensive car here, what's more we are not going to stay here for long. Therefore, i prefer a car which is cheap and also roomy, such as KIA. Let's see how, as we still need time to consider again.
Having a car will also increase our expenses too, a money that will go for petrol. Hubby's office is about 30mins away from our house, so we can roughly know how much of money we need to spend on petrol after doing a little bit of simple calculation. I have a friend whose company gives vehicle reimbursement, not sure hubby's one have this benefit or not. Vehicle reimbursement company is getting common nowadays, it actually benefits both employer and staff too. Perhaps should ask hubby checks out with his HR manager first before we heading to the car showroom.
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