Monday, May 19, 2008

The moment of mourning...

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I stopped tapping the keyboard while the clock shown 2:28pm, the tears blurred my sight and my heart was in pain. The sirens hooted as a sign of mourning for the victims of an earthquake in SiChuan.

How many alive still buried under the rubble? How many is lucky to be found by rescuers? How many of children will be orphans? Gosh, i really can't think ahead...

There is a nurse lose her husband, she only thought of her husband after few days of busying taking care of victims...
There is a policewoman breastfeeding a little baby whom the baby's mother doesn't able to nurse the baby after the earthquake...
There is a boy asked for a Coke while the rescuers found him under the rubble successfully...

I do not know what i am talking about...sad, an only word that is best describing my mood now.

1 comment:

Physiomom said...

It's truely saddening to think of thoses victims and their love ones. Let's appreciate what we have and pray for those in need. May the Universal light be showered upon them!Only time can heal.