These 2 days are public holiday in Sabah, i did bring Jo for shopping and myself also thinking to buy some baby stuffs. But KK very lousy la, as i can't find most of the items i wanted, went for few baby shops but hard to get what i wanted especially the Pigeon's brand. Wanted to buy the Pigeon's nappy liner, but the salesgirl in Parkson told me "Pigeon stop selling nappy liner now", i was so shocked and puzzled, why? Why wanted to stop production or she just simply said? Then, i asked for the washable breast pads, she told me the same...really? All the Pigeon's stuffs look so lousy and lead to stop production? I was so frustrated as she kept telling me "this one no more, that one no more", aiyo, first time i did my baby stuffs shopping in KK, but the situation just so worst for me! I have a long baby list, but only half i manage to buy, the rest just "no more", "stop production", "no sales so we didn't purchase in" and other funny excuses. Can't you believe, even the maternity pad i also couldn't find in Parkson, as the salesgirl told me "we don't sell maternity pads now, you can go to Servay (another supermarket) and get it there"...alamak, just a basic things also don't have, then Parkson is meant what? So, i drove to Servay again, luckily i found Pigeon's nappy liner and breasts pads there. I even bought the MamyPoko that i couldn't get from Parkson.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Shopping for baby stuffs
These 2 days are public holiday in Sabah, i did bring Jo for shopping and myself also thinking to buy some baby stuffs. But KK very lousy la, as i can't find most of the items i wanted, went for few baby shops but hard to get what i wanted especially the Pigeon's brand. Wanted to buy the Pigeon's nappy liner, but the salesgirl in Parkson told me "Pigeon stop selling nappy liner now", i was so shocked and puzzled, why? Why wanted to stop production or she just simply said? Then, i asked for the washable breast pads, she told me the same...really? All the Pigeon's stuffs look so lousy and lead to stop production? I was so frustrated as she kept telling me "this one no more, that one no more", aiyo, first time i did my baby stuffs shopping in KK, but the situation just so worst for me! I have a long baby list, but only half i manage to buy, the rest just "no more", "stop production", "no sales so we didn't purchase in" and other funny excuses. Can't you believe, even the maternity pad i also couldn't find in Parkson, as the salesgirl told me "we don't sell maternity pads now, you can go to Servay (another supermarket) and get it there"...alamak, just a basic things also don't have, then Parkson is meant what? So, i drove to Servay again, luckily i found Pigeon's nappy liner and breasts pads there. I even bought the MamyPoko that i couldn't get from Parkson.
Bayliner Boat Covers
My house is nearby the beach, we have had lot of funs while playing and swimming on the beach since young. Recently, my father has bought a boat, as he said he can have more fun with his grandchildren now while bringing his grandchildren on boat. Ya, my father always is a great father to us even to our children. So, my sister has been thinking to buy him a bayliner boat covers to cover his boat whenever the boat is not in used.
The Boat Cover Features of boat cover are really suit for our needs as it can give full protection to my father's boat as it keep out the dirt, water, rodents and harmful UV rays. We have more understanding after reading the features provided prior we head to buy our boat covers.
Additionally, we need to consider the maintenance of the covers too, as it only can bring optimal advantages for covering the boat if we take good care of the boat covers. Even the most minor damage can quickly harmful to the covers itself. From this Boat Cover Care and Maintenance, i think we can teach our father in how to take care the bayliner boat covers.
Thanks for everyone still dropping by to my blog though i totally don't have much time to do my blog hopping. Internet cafe here is so terrible as the aircond like no function, gosh, i am like having sauna now..a bit headache due to the heat inside...have to go back now, will pay your blog a visit tomorrow...i promise! :)
So colorful in PPP
Just now login to PPP, wah, so colorful, got light yellow, got green and got white color. I don't know the exact colors definition, roughly can guess like white and green mean can grab, but light yellow means can't grab as it is being reserved. Crazy la, why suddenly changed the system like this? So difficult to earn from PPP now..:<
Address Plaque
How cool is it to have the hand-crafted Home Address Signs in front of my new house, just imagine my address sign is totally different than my neighbours, hehe..i guess my neighbour will feel jealous as well on my new Address Plaque that i ordered from In, it has variety of address plaques for me to choose my desired one that can match my house design. I love the Heavyweight Aluminum Plaques most as it seems like a stunning sign for my house that nobody will forget my address. :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Rodeo Drive - Breast Augmentation
Woman has different desired of breasts shape, some prefer large but some prefer small. Personally, i prefer a nice shapes which are not considered large and definitely not considered small. If i have chance to reshape my breasts, i definitely will think about breast augmentation. Breast augmentation is a surgery which the implant is placed underneath the breasts tissue or under the chest muscles. Incisions are needed for this surgery as well, normally it will have 3 locations, under the nipple, under the breast or in the underarm. Recently, i have read some good testimonials about Los Angeles breast augmentation, be frankly, the testimonials are an eye-opener for me as i have more distinct believes of undergoing the breast augmentation is safe for woman provided you choose a good surgeon from famous plastic surgery center like Rodeo Drive. Rodeo Drive is a famous Beverly Hills breast augmentation center which is ready to provide the most comfort and safety procedures to their customers.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Bad dream
This morning Jo had a bad dream, he woke up at 5ish am and told me about his dream. He cried very pitiful and said i didn't bring him back after we bought the SPD's disc. He even said i dumped him at the shopping mall and lead him be caught by policeman. He kept asking me why i don't want him anymore? Gosh..why he had the dream like this?
PPP no longer GOOD
For more information, check this out:
Los Angeles Plastic Surgery
I have been surfed through over the internet and found that there is a famous los angeles plastic surgery that has very nice ambience to serve their customers to the best comfort. The staffs in Rodeo Drive are well trained and experienced to provide their service for those looking plastic surgery in their center. In addition, their doctors as well as their anesthesiologists are graduated from the fined and famous university hence to guarantee the safety procedures to their customers. Rodeo Drive has offered a widely plastic surgery to people like tummy tuck, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and more. My aunty who has recently experienced the Beverly Hills breast enlargement has a very high recommendation to her friends, she has gained back her confidence after undergoing the breast enlargement in Rodeo Drive. Somemore, her breasts look very perky and very nice in shape.
Thumos Health Center
Thumos Health Center is the famous health and fertility center for women in Santa Monica and Los Angeles Area. Most of the obstetrician-gynecologists will refer their patients to Thumos Health Center as their advance technology and full trained experience doctors that increase the comfortable of the patients. Apart from that, Fertility at Thumos Health Center has introduced a 3 to 6 month treatment plan for the patient who needed it, this plan which is including incorporating analysis and counseling will shorten the treatment period for patients hence to save their money as well. Plus, they have including some Chinese Medication like acupuncture and even herbal remedies which are totally beneficial for patients. As the center believes combining the western and eastern medication can definitely bring advantages for infertility patients. Through their treatment, patient's anxiety and stress hormones will be minimized to the minimum and hence to increase their chance to get pregnant. Additionally, their doctors Bryan Abel and Ganit Kriel who worked in conjunction with the local fertility centers to help vitro fertilization (IVF) patients too. They will introduce twice times acupuncture for their IVF patient before and after the patient's embryo is implanted.
*This post brought to you by Thumos Health Center*
Monday, May 28, 2007
We're home...
Finally i am in Sabah now, everything is ok except we just can't stand the hot weather here. Today is very hot, China is hot too but KK is much more hotter than China. Jo woke up ealier this morning and kept asking me "what is this sound" and "what is that sound", the dogs were barking, the neighours were chatting, the cars were crossing, ya, even myself also up about 6ish am. Anyhow, i know sooner or later he'll get used of the environment.
Regarding the letter, weird, totally nobody asked me about the letter before boarding the plane, until myself could not stand it and asked them "Do i need to show you the Doctor's letter?", alamak, my previous worries were so wasteful..fortunately i didn't go for doctor again and ask for another updated letter. Maybe the rules in Macau not as strict as Malaysia.
I'm surfing net in internet cafe now, but going back home internet access at home really BORING!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Finally is time to go back..
Will leave to Zhu Hai later...and take the direct flight back to Sabah tomorrow evening..
OK, saying the same most of you already known that i don't have internet service in KK, so i won't be able to do my blog hopping and leave my comment on your blog started on next Monday. For the time being, i will try to go to internet cafe but i can't guarantee you i can visit every blogs in my feedreader, anyway, i will randomly pay a visit to your blog. So today you don't see me leaving any comment, then might be tomorrow you are able to see my comment. Anyhow, i still can read your updates in my feedreader.
Before i leave, i would like to wish the following mummies have a smooth delivery during their labour day,
Chooi Peng - you almost due, so you deserved to be the first one.
Elaine (Aka Blur blur) - Happy Anniversary to you too
Egghead's wife J - 1 week ealier than my duedate
Mum in Miri - Hope you have the name settled
Prudy (Aka Allyfeel) - one day earlier than my duedate
Karen Yiau - same due date as me
Actually not a blog hiatus la, just i can't online like those days in take care everyone! Oh, ya, thanks to bear my rubbish blog and still take your initiative to pay a visit to my blog, i am thankful i didn't lose my loyalty readers eversince i turned my blog to money blog, anyway, just bear a while only as my own domain is on the way coming...will announce the URL once everything is settled.
p/s: i think i have to consider to install a streamxy...*thinking*
Part 2 : Domain Setup
I have sent my payment transaction screenshot to Eternal Solution yesterday morning but until now i haven't received any reply from them. No choice, what else i can do other than waiting? I really hope i have enough time to setup and design my domain before baby is due, i want to post everything about my kids in my new domain, but when they can settle the payment glitch for me?
Friday, May 25, 2007
He said he feels lonely

He has checked out the fees of giving birth in HK, i was dumb when i heard the astronomical figure HKD40000++ with natural birth and one night staying in hospital. You can convert back this figure into Ringgit, and you can think how many kids you are able to have if in Malaysia. So bad, my hubby's company doesn't provide maternity benefit as his company not a MNC, if not maybe i will consider to give birth in HK. :)
I don't know he just said only or really feels lonely after we are back to Sabah, actually i think he must be very happy since,
- he can sleep as earlier as possible
- he can wake up as late as possible
- he can "monopoly" the TV as nobody will say wanted to watch CARTOON
- he can play game without any disturbance
- he can watch TV till very late
- he can drink till get drunk
- he can substitute his water to beer every night
- he can save more money
- he can play sport every night
- no more blockage (JO) when he is watching HEROES
- no lights must be turned off before the witching hour
- no more nagging from his wife
- no more disturbing from his son
- no more messy living room
Scrap's credits:-
Background by Anita's Design
Red brackets by Amy Teets
Purple glitter word by Baers Garten Designs
Template by Lottchen
Expanded Yosemite Experience
Do you want to join Distant Pranic Healing campaign? It is an alternative healing method used as a compliment to orthodox medicine. The Lotus Path Workshops has the weekend/long term sight-seeing or camping Yosemite for public who are keen to take part in this spiritual workshop. The healing started with an invocation for divine protection and guidance. Via this, the healer can receive information on behalf of the patient and indirectly make it possible for healer to directs the healer's energy to the patient. The color pranas used by the healer are from earth, air, solar and divine energy that are ready to clean th aura and energize the chakras. Plus, this healing is very good for turning nature exploration into self-exploration as well. Now, with $40 people can join their workshop that can be completed the same day.
Loss your weight in healthy way
Do you know what is the hackneyed talk for ladies now? Definitely is talked about "DIET". In fact, guys also joining the diet club too as we know staying fit and thin will actually optimal our health. But, how to make your diet successfully? I bet you won't take anything with high calories that eventually depredate your diet, so you might be very particular to count your meal's calories, anyhow, do you have any proper way to do your calorie counting? Calorie counter provided by is 100% free to teach you in managing your diet through their fast and easy nutritional contents. Indeed, after getting their useful information, you will become more smarter to choose your food intake hence to lose your weight in very healthy way. So, why are you still thinking be starving is the best choice of losing the excessive body fats? Come, join their free diet profile, they will help you to count your calories, carbs and more. I believe proper diet plan will surpass the starving that slow down your metabolism and lead you to fatigue.
The paypal glitch finally back to normal
Got to know this good news from Khai Khee, yeah, finally the glitch has been solved and i can accept my money happily now. So, what to do next? Emm...of course have to withdraw out and reward myself with something. But i haven't sorted out what i most wanted now...

Now, with their newly launched program, Advertlets is giving away a fabulous and enticing RM50 for Malaysian postie who reviews their site. Hey, RM50 is not a small amount, how many advertisers are able to pay you RM50 for a site review in Malaysia, i don't think there is one, right?
I hope Advertlets can bring more revenue for a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) like me, and i hope i no need to rush for grabbing the opportunities like PPP. Plus, i hope through Advertlets i can get more information about our Malaysia's products and services more than those foreigners' products and services. Be a Malaysian, of course i have to fully support our "Buatan Malaysia".
With their slogan "advertisers + bloggers = money + happy", i believe i will have very smooth journey to earn my pocket money from them.
Anti stretch mark oil

Travel to Europe
Travel to Europe is everyone's dream, how to arrange your travel without hassle free and get rid of transport troublesome to optimal your travel plans? That's always a worries to travelers. Auto Europe is specializing in auto and hotel arrangements in Europe. They have a wealth of discount in car rentals, flight and hotel reservations. Travelers can search through their drop-down menu to look for the most desired one. Plus, Auto Europe also offers chauffeur services, airport transfers, and long term Peugeot buy backs. Other than that, they are guaranteed free One Car Class Upgrades in over nine European Countries. And now you can save up to 8% to be an early book to book their car rental. When you just out of ideas where you should pay a visit to, then you can go through their special & packages and opt the most appropriate for your trip. You even can have cruises information through them. Along with Europe, Auto Europe also offer services in the South Pacific, South Africa and South America. Just drop by to their site or contact their toll-free at 1-888-223-5555 (North America only) for more detailed information.
*Sponsored Post*
Early bird
I woke up at 4am this morning, i finished 3 sponsored posts, blog hopping, updated my own post and finished all the laundry by 7:30am. Oh, i really salute myself, even until now i have not felt any tireness yet, maybe i take so many sweet stuff so that i still stay alert now. Wake up at early morning definitely can finish a lot of things!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Free credit report
If you want to manage a good credit report hence to monitor your credit easily, do try the credit report score. It is a free 3-in-1 inclusively credit report and triple credit score which user can access easily through online with unlimited access. Plus, their available 3 credit reporting bureaus are in simple form hence it is even easy for novice users to start reporting their credit into the credit report. They have other tools to simplify user overwhelming credit tasks by providing user a credit directory which link to credit-related sites and also calculators. Additionally, they have great articles and informations in their learning center, you can't miss the chance to read out their resources if you have been thinking to improve your current credit score. Do get a free report from them and see how the report help you to kick out the bad debts.
Tag : 7 Random Things About Myself
Hehe..actually this is a easy tag since i know myself very well..
1. I love to eat chicken's feet though everyone says it's dirty. For me is yummy yummy..
2. I can eat same food everyday for several weeks without changing it.
3. I seldom wash my own hair, i am very generous to spend my money to have hair washing in saloon. But i am quite stingy to other things.
4. I love to buy branded things to Jo though i know it is not wise to do it. If for myself, i would say "no-no".
5. I am very particular when comes to cleanliness of the toilet. So, i can clean my toilet few times per day. Sometimes, i even would think like "alamak, if i am the shop owner, i would clean the toilet like this and this..." i have this freak mind whenever i visit the loo outside.
6. I rarely trim my eyebrows, maybe i just hate to do it.
7. I would buy a lot of related stuffs when comes to certain inspiration, like i would buy all the baking necessary stuffs when i wanted to bake a cake, but normally i just put aside after buying them and non action taken.
So, below is the lucky ladies who are going to accept my BOMB:
Ching Ern's mommy
Part 1 : Domain Setup
Finally i have bought my own domain with the help of Jazz as she was kind enough to make the payment for me. See, how terrible when you need to do something but you're just so far from Malaysia, everything seemed so disordered as i wished to make payment to Eternal Solution through my Maybank account, but without the TAC i am like cripple who can't make the payment out.
That isn't ended episode yet as until now Eternal Solution hasn't received my payment, they said i had transfered the money into the wrong account. So i write back to them and asked them why it stated if Maybank to Maybank then only transfer the money to XXX, but now i'm using HSBC, then why also this XXX, they didn't answer my question just telling me should be this XXX and not the YYY. But what is the different since XXX and YYY accounts also under the Eternal Solution?
So, my domain setup can put aside first until they finally announced "WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR MONEY"!

I am so clumsy in everything
- When comes to comment blogs especially those with word verification on, i can feel how seriously of my torpid and sight failure, i can keep typing the words wrongly for few times till it's right.
- I can't think and count properly how much i have been earned and how much i have been used. Even just a simple calculation i also can't sort them out. I have to use paper and pen and do the calculation slowly else everything just seems messing up.
- I have shortness of brain cells, i forgot things every easily. I need a notebook to jot down what i wanted to do, even what i wanted to blog i also have to jot down.
- Hubby found me talked blurry and can't get my mind sometimes. I wanted to call Jo but ended up said another things. I wanted to take him water, but ended up i was the one who drank the water.
- I can't recall what i have read from blogs, i can't recall what i have written, i can't remember which blogs i have visited if i turn off my feedreader.
Did you experience these before? Pregnancy really brings a lot of side-effects for me. All of sudden i only realized that i am going to give birth soon, just 6 weeks to go, i managed to have this realization after reading mum-in-miri's blog, ya, time flies, i am going to be confined again after 6 weeks or even sooner. So far i have been suffered the first feet swollen and subsided (span was around 1 week at 31st week), now the second, still doesn't look like elephant's feet but i have outgrew my Nike shoes totally. Tummy prones to right side more, so i feel a bit weird when i am walking. Started to feel the jitter, started to recall what is meant by labour pain and started to worry how to handle a newborn baby without hubby along. Everything jammed up in my mind, i think i am suffering another hormonal changes again..
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Poor X-Box
If you remember this Jo looks so unhappy then you able to know that we just got our X-box on Monday night. But the poor X-box kena destroyed (look at the photos), ya, Jo was the one who spoilt the memory card slot. Gosh, the X-box not even reach 1 day at our home and already "kena rosak". At the early morning i heard Jo said "i don't like this, i want to break it", i thought he just said for fun, but not for fun, he had destroyed the slot purposely and i only managed to find out at late afternoon. Hubby felt very uneasy when seeing the broken but he didn't scold Jo, he just kept saying "my X-box has been broken by my son" for hundred times, he even teased saying "now selling HKD2800 also nobody wants" (as his colleague asked my hubby sells off to him)..anyway, hubby is always superb in repairing things, finally the X-box has gained back the original appearance after few tries of fixing. :)
Novel Approach to Breast Reduction
Women with overly large breasts is not a joyful matter, just think of the weird sight from others or even herself also suffered a lot of difficulties like neck pain, back pain, limitations on activity and even difficult to buy your undergarment. Come to consider Beverly Hills breast reduction by Rodeo Drive, their novel approach breast reduction surgery is the famous plastic surgery in Los Angeles breast reduction line. Rodeo Drive helps their patients to undergo breast reduction to create the size and shape that will allow them to look and feel better, plus, let them have chance again to wear those fashionable clothes. So, if you have been suffering overly large breasts problem, do consider this breast reduction in beverly hills.
Calorie Counter
When comes to on diet, i am sure everyone is very particular to take caution in counting calorie. You won't eat the high calorie food as it will totally ruin your diet plan. But how do you count your calorie taking and how do you keep your diet successfully? Have you ever heard calorie counter, it is a counter which provides fast and easy to teach you about the nutritional contents of what you are eating and give you an idea how to choose a better food intake. This is 100% free so that no credit card is necessary when you join them, apart from that, you can start your free diet profile with them. They provides effective and essential ways for you to loss your excess fat in healthy way, so you are no longer have to starve yourself and spell yourself into fatigue. Plus, the diet plan they provides are inclusively help you to count your calories, carbs and more. Starving is not a good idea for losing weight, you have to eat well and exercise well to boost up your metabolism, just register to their free Enewsletter in order to have dieting tips and recipes, fitness advice and more, all deliver exclusively to your mail inbox.
*This post brought to you by MyFitnessPal*
PC & Mac rentals
My cousin's company is going to hold a seminar cum training in a good reputation hotel on next Sunday. This time his company has invited a notable speaker to talk about "how to be a success management leader in your workplace", that's a very interesting topic and help promoting management leader to more higher level. Since the seminar is held on hotel, they need projector to show the slides. And, they need some technology solutions that can smooth out this seminar and training. They eventually choose the famous computer rentals to be their service provider this time. As has been running their business for over 25 years and their experts have helped thousands of customers with their short term PC rental and Mac Pro rental needs. Apart from that, the products they carrying are famous brand like HP, Compaq and Apple including the new Mac Pro rentals. cares about all your business needs at trade shows, conventions, training sessions and short term projects. Call them today if you are currently looking this sort of service.
Running a care provider centre is difficult unless the care provider himself has a good base knowledges of handling the different needs for different people. How to take care people but at the same time ensuring that you stay safe is very important for care provider. If you're a care provider of churches or similar organization that give supervision or care for elder, child, nursery, youth and disabled persons, you should have some useful kits and resources to make you success and have smooth running for your centre. Just consider, it is an informational and interactive website that address issues of safety for vulnerable populations and care providers. Other than that, TAKE CARE is a policy wordings which is helpful for churches or small non-profit organizations, club and other community groups. Plus, it is also a template of forms for application, interviews, reference check, evaluation and more. If you're keen to buy TAKE CARE, you can contact them. By using TAKE CARE, they ensure your running organization will be safer as a result.
Increase your website traffic
More website traffic does really bring benefit to everyone especially those want to streamline their business. Even for people who blogging for money also thinking to increase their website traffic as this will lower their Alexa ranking and increase their Page Rank. (TBS) is a good website optimization firm beyond compare to other SEO companies. They provide web design, internet marketing strategies and search engine optimization to everyone who wants to develop more business opportunity hence to increase sales, revenue and profit in a very short timeframe. Moreover, their unique SEO expertise can help their clients to web their business site into the most famous search engine for instance Google, MSN, Yahoo and more. Those features are not the least, as TBS has their own team of artistic graphic designers to give you the best and stunning web's look, so with their help, your business's brand can be very easily spotted by others.
Wholesome brunch

Buy your own car number plate
I am very fussy when comes to choose my car number plate, i hate ZERO found in the plate as Chinese always believes ZERO means nothing. Some more i hate 4 too as 4 means DEATH in our Chinese's superstition. That's why i am very willing to pay for choosing my own car number plate than getting those continuous number from JPJ.
Came across to this new site which allows car owners to search their desired number plates from their widely selection of private number plates. Apart from the private number plates, car owners can search for ageless car registrations, prefix type and current style car number plates. Just imagine how cool of my car number plate with my name as the prefix and my birthday as personal number plate, haha....just thinking the extraordinary number plate i going to have already made me feel the excitement. This NorthUmbriaNumbers even gives inclusive services to their customers as they will finish all the paperworks without customers spending their precious time to settle those onerous tasks alone.
Heroes night
We spent our whole night watching the Heroes. Woo...that's good, i even could feel my heart was throbbing there with some of the scenes. Is it good for me to watch....i am not sure, but i just love to watch it and even can sacrifice my PPP. See, Heroes eventually more important than money.
Hotels in Orlando
Orlando has lot of interesting places that worth to visit, i never been there before. I do hope i have chance to pay a visit to Orlando since it is best known as the home of Walt Disney World. Apart from Disney, i believe i can totally pamper myself in their shopping spree and carry out some meaningful family-oriented activities there.
When think of comprehensive travelling to Orlando, must think of as well. provides the most good deal and affordable prices for the orlando florida hotels, car rentals and flights throughout the Orlando Florida area. In addition, can arrange vacation to travelers and provide them with a good travel guide about the dining, nightlife, entertainment, shopping and more.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Jo looks so unhappy

Scrap's credit -
Vacation in Caribbean
Caribbean is my dream vacation place, how enjoyment if i can dive deep into the waters of the Caribbean. That's not the least, just imagine how romantic if i can walk hand in hand with my hubby on the white sand. I can feel the joy already even i am just thinking here. is the leader in the all-inclusive travel experience, recently they are having their new redesigned website with a customized booking engine which is allowed travelers to book their desired vacation resort through Plus, ensures the booking can save up to 50% off regular rates and even more. In addition, has very outstanding features like,
- compelling visual images and virtual tours
- in-depth information for amenities and recreational activities
- all inclusive vacations sorted by vacation style
- resort rating from travelers
- hot deals and more
I like to book my vacation resort through as the all inclusive caribbean vacation provided by them is appropriated to my vacation plan. And the most importantly it can save my travel cost and bring hassle free to me. Friends, if you want to make your booking to other places, do visit or call toll-free at 1-888-205-3315.
Adidas and Crocs

Finally, hubby bought his soccer shoes, he can't wait to wear it down to the field. But weather recently just so bad, i hope we can have a good weather this Thursday so we all can go to be supporters for my hubby. Since i have outgrew my current shoes due to the feet swollen, so my lovely hubby volunteered to pay the Crocs for me..:) But, i can't wear in China as i really can't stand the floor outside, so dirty with spits, aiks...ugly scene some more..i prefer to wear sport shoes that can fully cover my feet, at least i feel secure as i won't accidentally step on those "aiks"!
Jewellery Making
My sister loves to do beading, she even made a very beautiful necklace for my mother as a mother's day present. She has lots of inspiration when comes to beading, and she loves to make them in different types of shape to give her friends as birthday present. So, i think this jewellery making site is really suitable for her to browse through. In this Lallette, it sells unique beads and components for jewellery projects. Apart from that, she can get inspiration from Lallette as they provide a lot of charming pictures for those who have interest in making jewellery. Lallette also has unique charms available such as animal charms, heart charms and more. I guess my sister will love this Lallette so much, and i do hope she can have fun when browsing through their website.
Plastic Surgery Los Angeles
What come the first when you think about to undergo plastic surgery? Is it to look for a good plastic surgery centre? You can consider Rodeo Drive, which is the plastic surgery los angeles ready to serve you the best. Their beautiful offices are designed to provide the mass comfortable feel to their clients. Lloyd M.Krieger is the founder for Rodeo Drive and he is the famous plastic surgeon california who has won numerous awards including three research grants from the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the Society’s prestigious Sherrell J. Aston Award. Their staffs are fully trained and the plastic surgeon los angeles were graduated from finest university who ready to provide the safety surgery to their clients. So, whenever you think of any beauty problems, just choose Rodeo Drive or call them to find out the services they have.
Monday, May 21, 2007
33th week updates
Went for my 33th week check up on last Saturday. Hubby missed the chance to see the little baby again, by the time we reached to Shatin it was about 3pm, hubby went straight to Mongkok to buy his soccer shoes. It was raining that time but he said he could reach the clinic on time for my appointment at 4:20pm. But, by the time he reached to the clinic it was already 5pm and just 5 minutes after my scanning. So, next time he has chance to see the baby again maybe is the time i am in labour room. :)
weight - 73.6kg (only gained 0.4kg for the pass 2 weeks)
blood pressure - 115/64
baby's weight - 2kg
Doctor asked me "you didn't take your meal properly?" after he found out i just gained 0.4kg for the pass 2 weeks, no, i have huge appetite but i take a lot of junk food at the same time. Like the "Japanese Yaki Squid", icecream, peanut, chocolate and coke. Maybe all have been absorbed by baby, that's why he has increased his weight from 1.585kg to 2kg. :)
This round of checkup really pissed me off, logically i know that the doctor was right not to write me the letter with the date 27.5.07 (my flight date), but my SIL experienced before with AirAsia as AirAsia insisted the letter needed to mention the pregnant lady is fit for travelling on the exact flying date. In fact, AirAsia also crazy, it's impossible to state the exact flying date in the letter, just imagine if the flight is in the morning, then how does the lady can go for checking and taking flight at the same time. I am headache now, what am i going to do if they are not allowed me to board the flight?
The doctor really distracted me and made me forgotten to ask about the braxton hick and the bleeding. My brain was crammed with those how and what questions, just so worrying i can't board the flight on time. I told hubby when i saw him, he was totally suprised me in his sentence "don't worry, if you can't go back, just deliver in Hong Kong". But....i don't want la, how to deliver in Hong Kong, what to do with the passport and birth certificate, no, we don't have any information about how those procedures are running, then how can be settled like this?
Father's Day Gift
Mother's day was just over, and very soon we are going to celebrate Father's day. This time i am able to celebrate this wonderful day with my father as i am going back to my hometown this coming Sunday. Other than treat him a good dinner i do hope can bring him a surprise by sending him a gourmet basket. Find a good website that allow customers to custom made their Father's Day Gifts. I have to call them asap to custom made my gourmet basket for my father. It's really a good time to appreciate his contribution to our family.
Tag : Where Do I Want To Go
**Start Copy**
Proposition : Where do you want to go Next, OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY, for tourism, work , study, whatever.
Requirements: Find some info about the place, itinerary etc, pics if possible so you get MORE Traffic coming in, and maybe some people can find somewhere to go to. Excludes your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, ie Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, a country that borders yours. You must register for MyBloglog so we can blogwalk ah....get it?
Quantity : FIVE PEOPLE.
Tag Mode : Chain Link. 15 of them.
Azrin going Down Under
MaRLinda in Disneyland Paris
Athira Baby and her Balamory Antics
Msau to Japan
Shoppingmum to Europe
Angeleyes off to Bora-Bora
Giddy Tiger snorkelling in The Maldives
Jess to Europe
Michelle go around the world
Zara's Mama wants to experiance nature around the world
Something about Lai wants to go to The Parthenon
**Add in the blog you got the tag from and tagged post.** (In this case, for example, you should add “Chooi Peng falling in love to The Kingdom of Dreams & Magic“)
Extra Rules: you cannot Tag another person who has performed the Tagging Rights to Travel. Check yr commentators.
You MUST PASS this tag within 7 days of receiving it , or lose a day’s worth of Blog Revenue or $10 to charity. Can?Makes it interesting anyway. So no Lazy Tags running about, and yeah, eventually, there will be less than a 1:3 chance you can’t tag that someone. And pay those people in the list a visit, you never know if you can pinch / recycle some ideas for your next entry!
**End Copy
I am not going to pass the tag since it's very outdated tag now.
OshKosh again....
100 posts!
Today i hit 100 for my PPP's post. I joined on 10 April, and today just 21 May, haha..i know, i am very enthusiastic about earning money from PPP, but who doesn't want especially for those SAHMs. Be frankly, what i have earned so far even much more better than my last salary as a programmer. So, tell me, how to stop and how to resist the luring?
I feel tired and stress especially i have few pending posts waiting to be finished, but i just treated it as my job, it's normal to feel stress whenever comes to job, right? I feel stress as i am a responsible for my job, i need to provide my best as i earn people money. I feel bad is just because i am very "kasihan" my blog, a blog for kid finally turned out a blog for earning money. That's very bad feeling i have now! :<
All the high paying posts keep popping out right after i finished my 3 posts for PPP, one of the post even pay USD18.5, i have done this post for another sponsor, they just paid USD10 only. Some more i saw USD15 for 50 words i totally understand "not your money not going in your pocket", how true of this phrase! Sum up my 3 posts also can't compete one post la...sigh! What a waste...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Are you a stupid bird?
I don't know what's the details talking, it's something regarding Jo wanted to turn on his SPD,
hubby : blah..blah..blah..
then i heard Jo said this (as he said very loud),
"你不知道要按这边meh?你是stupid bird meh?"
(don't you know is pressing here meh? are you a stupid bird?)
Actually nothing special about the sentence, just found that the way and the words he used are totally amused me! Hubby didn't hear it clearly as he is too engrossing in HEROES!
Tag: My Loyal Fancee
I think i have a lot of Loyalty FANCEEss, so i can't really specify who and who. But i am going to twist the tag into "Must visit FANCEE's blog"..
I visit to different blogs via my Google Feedreader, i will leave comment most of the time if i possible to catch up those updates else i just read from my feedreader. For those Singaporean mummies' blog, i definitely will pay my visit to them as their blogs are too "cleaned" from advertisement. Their blogs are concentrated on their parenting skills and how to upbringing their kids. Ok, i feel guilty and shameful sometimes i read on my own blog, gosh, i know my blog has been a MONEY EARNING blog rather than a blog dedicated for my Jo.
Actually, if you see my comments most of the time, it means your blog has already been my ""Must visit FANCEE's blog". In my blogrolls, some blogs are having their own features like,
1. When i want to learn English, i'll go to Giddy Tiger, Simple America and LB.
2. If i want to feel young, i'll go to Min.
3. If i want to know about Singapore's food, i'll go to Mama Tang.
4. If i want to know about Hong Kong's food, i'll go to Misha Treasure Trove.
5. If i want to see nice scrapbooking, i'll go to Blogie-talkie.
6. If i want to read story about "ngam ngam cham cham", i'll go to Sasha.
7. If i found God has away from me, i'll go to Jean.
9. .....and more....
So, how about you? I am not going to tag people since my tag is out of the original meaning!
Home Construction Loans
My uncle is thinking to build a house in the land which is bequeathed from my grandfather. But, build a house is not as easier as said, how about the cost of building? I don't think my uncle can fully affort it as he is a solely breadwinner for his family, then where got extra money to construct a house. He told me that actually it has something special loan like Construction Loans for those people who are thinking to finance their construction project. This is not the least, as they will assign an expert consultant to help my uncle out from the beginning till the funding day. I was told by my uncle that ConstructionLoanCenter had provided him very detailed Construction Loan Information, those information included "is now a good time to build", "structural insulated panel" and more. Other than that, they have Remodeling Loan Information for their clients too. So, it's good for those who are planning on buying an existing home with the intention of conducting a major remodel.
It's all about beauty.
I want to be pretty, i bet you want too, right? Though pregnancy is joyful but it does leave me a lot of ugly sights especially the spare tired. Actually i have been planning to go through the liposuction for my abdomen, hips and thighs, those areas are the places that most easiest to store up the fat and even cellulite. I certainly believe that liposuction can lead me back to my pre-pregnancy body shape and i can wear back all my tight Levis's jeans. I was told that Beverly Hills liposuction is the best place to undergo this surgery as it is a famous plastic surgery in Los Angeles. Other than that, this Rodeo Drive has provided a best breast augmentation in Los Angeles too. That's sound great for me again, as being a pretty woman of course must have a perky breasts as well, since i am thinking to undergo liposuction then why not consider the breast augmentation at the same time. Let's everything undergoes at one go absolutely can save my time and money. As i was told that Los Angeles breast augmentation can even solve the sagging breasts problems. Oh, great!!
Risk Management Jobs
In their site, they help providing different job categories which are including business and financial aspects, and even all form of risk management jobs, management, sales and marketing and more.
With the help of A.E. Feldman Associates, your company can have top quality of workers to fulfil your business target and boost up your business. So, if your company looking for certain level of staffs, do consider A.E. Feldman Associates as their mission is "find the best fit for the candidate, the job and the company".
My birthday dinner
My birthday dinner settled with those foods above. Supposed to go back to the western restaurant (the one where we celebrated our anniversary dinner) but the pouring had stopped our step to go over there and somemore Jo insisted he wanted to eat duck's meat. Ended up he was like a birthday person as i had to order what he likes the most. That night, he took 2 and half bowls of rice whereas hubby didn't took any. Me, of course ate like Jo as i always like to take rice.
This morning woke up early to do all the "almost-due" posts, now still have 1 more to go and this only due on 23/5. I feel tired now as i was cleaning the kitchen and fridge after finished 2 paid posts, so my Sunday is staying at home to do pay post and clean here and there. Since i am leaving soon, of course have to leave a clean and tidy house for my hubby. My hubby "e-e-o-o" (make noise) why i didn't ask the maid to do, sigh, how to ask her clean the exhausted fan, i just worry she will spoil it since she can spoil the table fan when she was cleaning it.
No current supply and drizzling non-stop
The current supply cut off again on yesterday morning. I hate this situation and don't understand why recently they keep cutting off the supply. It really distracted my plan, i haven't finished my catching up in blog hopping, not finished my "almost-due" posts, and the most important is i haven't informed Misha's mama about my time to HK, i couldn't check my mail and get her number. OMG...everything messed up on yesterday morning. It was raining outside and increase the darkness at home, i don't like this feeling as continuous raining days would bring me the painful over my joints. Even now, it is still today we have forced to stay at home and can't make a trip to Zoo. Aiyo, this is the last Sunday i am in China, seems like our family day can only spend at home and watching TV. Emm..really hate it!
Master Degree
"This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit"
I have been thinking to pursue my master degree since my degree graduation in year 2002. I never given up my dream even i am a mother now, some more i have very supportive hubby who is willing to pay my fees. This time i have made a strong will to make my dream comes true, ya, i am going to take my mba after No.2 is popped. Since i always think to have my own career after my kids at their schooling ages, now indeed is an appropriate time for me to recharge myself and continue my study.
I tried accounting course right after my graduation from high school, but accounting definitely not my strong part to achieve in more higher level like ACCA or CIMA. After 1 year muddled along in account studies, i finally found my interesting in programming. I took the computer science after my accounting course, and i always find my enjoyment in this category even till now. I had been working as multimedia programmer for 3 years, be frankly, i know nothing other than multimedia programming, those VB, Java, C++, Oracle and more are all forgotten after long time i didn't explore in them. Anyhow, i believe i can catch up again if i want since i have the based.
Actually i don't want to be a programmer anymore, since it is a daunting and time consuming task, i hate to stay back late in office just because wanted to meet the project deadline. So, after much discussing with my hubby, i have decided to take networking for my master studying. As foresee, networking does provide a wide chances for me to go back to my career one day in the future.
Capella University is my ultimate choice of school as it is an online university and can provide flexibility for my studies since i am no longer a single lady. And recently, Capella University faculty member has co-authors a new book on ‘Appreciative Coaching", which talks about a positive process for change.
Finally received my first task from Blogvertise
I can't remember when i registered to Blogvertise, my blog has been approved in very fast manner, within a day or just few days..can't remember indeed. Blog has been approved but they never assigned task for me, maybe they have forgotten about me. Anyhow, i still waiting for them and finally i have received their first assignment on yesterday morning. Great, i hope the assignments can keep coming in though i know it is impossible as i heard some said they only received 2 or 3 tasks even their blogs have been approved for few months. The post paid not as high as PPP, but acceptable for 75 words. Not like SponsoredReview, keep declining my bids or sometimes counteroffer my bid into very low price.
Friday, May 18, 2007
My birthday is filled with SURPRISES

Braxton Hicks contractions
I don't know how is the Braxton Hicks contractions as i didn't experience this contractions during my first pregnancy. Chat with Prudy (AKA Allyfeel) yesterday, managed to know about this. Today i feel a bit of tummy tightness, but i don't know can it be considered as braxton hicks contractions or not. Anyway, will discuss this tightness with my doctor tomorrow.
Ya, i got another shock just now after i finished my bathe, i saw the blood stain on the towel i used. Then i used tissue to wipe over the area, and i saw blood again. What happened? This is the second time i saw the blood..
Blog Status Update IV
On 12 May, i noticed my Alexa been dropped to 1088310, but 6 days after, i saw my Alexa is 861902. Wow...why dropped like roller coaster? Technorati still the same at 254629. I don't know how this Technorati worked la..just added another 3 blogs into my Technorati, but what is that, be frankly, i don't have, only i know why people like to pass tag, as tag does increase the links!
Silver investment
Do you still think gold is the best investment for today? No, i tell you...even the U.S government is a silver buyer now. The world demand for silver is far exceeded the production, so, if you want to purchase silver bullion, now definitely a right time for you to do so. Consider Monex Deposit Company (MDC) as MDC has been America's silver and precious metals investment leader. When you do your purchase through Monex Deposit Company, you can ask for immediate personal delivery of your purchased item, or, you can have safe storage at an independent bank or depository. Other than buying the silver bullion, you can choose other types too which is including coin and ingot form. If you want the most up to the minute silver bullion prices, do visit to their site.
Father and Son

My feed reader hit another PEAK
I can't catch up my blog hopping again, it has 80+ updates in my feedreader, gosh, i can't finish reading all of them unless i don't do other things but just blog hopping. Can't la..i have other things to do, i can't stick myself in front of the computer the whole day. So, friends, so sorry if yesterday you didn't see me leave any comment in your blog. I will do it later once i finished my on hand tasks.
We are going to Orlando soon..
Yahooooo...this time we really can make our dream come true as we're going to Orlando this coming Winter after my baby is popped! We are going to visit my best friend in Orlando and she is very kind enough to provide accommodation for us. Actually i don't have much travel knowledge about Orlando, but my friend said we can visit to Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and Disney World. many exciting places, but how can we get a reasonable price of those tickets? How not to over our travel budget?
Search through the internet and finally found this Universal Studios Tickets provided by We can get a very best discount ticket rate for our Universal Studios trip as the is an ultimate source to offer the best discount tickets for Disney World and all Orlando theme parks, dinner shows and attractions. So how we can resist the discounted rate provided by them? Friends, if you are looking for discount tickets for all the attractive activities in Orlando, don't forget to check out You can find your surprises there!
Happy 2Xth Birthday to HUI SIA
Like what i have said in my previous post, hubby does remember my birthday. He said Happy Birthday to me right after the clock shown 12am. But as for Jo, he didn't say anything though his papa asked him to say. Personally, birthday isn't a big celebration day for me maybe i didn't celebrate my birthday since young. So, no present also never mind..But, of course if i can receive one also good la...i always so greedy one! :) OK, dear, if you happen to read this, don't buy me birthday cake as the cakes here definitely not my taste, if you want to buy, buy it tomorrow in HK. About my birthday wishes...emmm..i know God can read my wishes in my deep inside, may God bless me in everything, Amen!
p/s: Comment closed as most of you have already greeted me on yesterday!
Going to Maui

Air ticket has booked, now of course have to hunt for a vacation rentals in Maui. I found a variety choices of vacation rentals in Hawaiian Beach Rentals, in here, they show the best selection of Maui vacation rentals with photo and rate, so it's very convenience for me to budget my expenses while travelling to Maui. In addition, Hawaiian Beach Rentals can help me to book my dream and unique Maui beachfront vacation homes. Isn't it so great?
What i should do for my trip is very easy, just fill in their Maui Vacation Rental Contact Form and check for the availability. The staffs will reply my respond within 24 hours by email of phone. is really hassle free!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
He remembers the date!
HS - Friday what time your basketball match start?
Do you know why i'm so happy? he remembers my birthday. I myself also have forgotten it. Haha...first time i don't have to remind him. Seems like he has improved to be a good hubby.
Today is Thursday again...means that i will follow him to field..:)
Unhealthy junk food

Pet Steps
I hate my little puppy jumps up and down though i love this little puppy so much. But its overly action does bring an irritating feel to me. Imagine the puppy jumps high and low in front of you whenever you enjoying your TV programme. Do you know how does it feel? I tell you, it's super irritating. Perhaps it feels lonely, so it did some stunning actions to attract my attention. Well, i came across to this and found that actually there are some solutions to solve this problem. Have you ever heard about Pet Steps before? That's an excellent creative pet steps for your pets. The pet steps are built with wood and covered in carpet, the steps are possible to add storage lids, wheels and handles. Speaking their steps, it has 4 different sizes including 2, 3, 4 and 5 step, for color choices, they have 8 different colors including sage green, dark green, dark blue, grey, tan, ivory, black, and light blue. You know, the steps can hold up to 200 pounds, so it sounds good for those who have big size pet. Look through their pictures, i have decided to buy a 4 steps one for my little puppy, i guess this little puppy will thrill as seeing the pet steps. Hope there is no more stunning actions in front of me during my TV time after buying the pet steps for my lovely puppy. If you have a problem like me, you can call their knowledgable staff toll free at 1-888-842-5230.
*Sponsored Post*