Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Windom Film for my apartment

Do you know what is my main concern about hot weather? That's skin problem, you know, most of the time i have to apply the thick enough SPF cream onto my face before i go out. Don't mention the bright sun would damage my skin complexion, it would cause more flecks on my face too. I have a very freak habit that i used to cover my windows with curtain, covered up is because i am afraid the excessive of sun rays would spoil my skin complexion. That's why my hubby has been making a lot of noises that our house looks extremely dark as the result of curtain covering. In fact, i know i can opt for window film provided by san diego window tint. As what i was told that the window film can block out 98% - 99% of UV light, and the most importantly is we can save our energy bill especially comes to Summer time. It's really worth to invest this film for my house, some more it is very easy to install the film.

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