I am the bag lover, i can survive for not buying any new apparels and shoes, but i definitely can't survive for not buying bags. This is my freak habit, or you can say i have very unique habit that i love bag collection. LOL
An exquisite and brilliant bag can symbolize one's social status too, that's why i always stare green with envy for those who hold a brand designed bag. Actually it is not difficult to see people holding a branded bag in my area, but be frankly, sometimes i knew that they just holding a fake bag. If i were them, i definitely won't hold a fake bag, i would either choose for non-branded bag or branded bag, fake bag just no-no for me.
Out of the various types of bags, i personally dote on Hermes very much. Then only come to Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Marc by Marc Jacobs. Besides, i also love the Fendi and Coach design, lady being lady, as definitely can't stand the lure of having designed bags.
If you like to buy bag, you can visit to Shopping.com, as they have huge range of luxe bags in different materials which are including leather, fabric, nylon, silver, canvas and more for your hunting. Come, ladies, try to pamper yourself a luxe bag today!

Out of the various types of bags, i personally dote on Hermes very much. Then only come to Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Marc by Marc Jacobs. Besides, i also love the Fendi and Coach design, lady being lady, as definitely can't stand the lure of having designed bags.
If you like to buy bag, you can visit to Shopping.com, as they have huge range of luxe bags in different materials which are including leather, fabric, nylon, silver, canvas and more for your hunting. Come, ladies, try to pamper yourself a luxe bag today!
1 comment:
I really don't understand this thing about bags!! Hahaha.. seriously. I have tried to, but I decided it is one of those deep mysteries of life.. I like Marc..
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