Saturday, August 18, 2007

Blur blur everyday

Recently i am very very blur, that's not usual me as i was well trained to check everything before submitting. As a programmer, i had to check there is ZERO mistakes for my program before burning the CD, some more i was well trained to QC all the running programs, that's why i just can't accept my careless recently. Maybe my skills turn rusty since it has been almost 2 years i left my job, or maybe due to taking care of 2 kids has been making me less alert to check my things! I don't know what cause me like a blur cat who is always knocked its head to the door, i hope i know the reasons! I hope to get back to usual me as i really don't want the errors keep happening during sending my posts! I feel bad everytime i made the mistake...ya, human do make mistake, but overly and oftenly just not acceptable!

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