Credit card is just so important in our daily life and it is a great card that can substitute the using of money, do you hold credit card? If not, you better apply one for yourself in order not to lag behind. Before you submit your credit card application form, it is pretty important that you can know which credit card does bring you the lowest rate but give you back the high reward, come and compare the various type of
credit cards at The Co-Operative Bank.
If you would like to apply clear credit card, you are entitled the standard interest rate of 11.9% APR typical/variable for purchases, balance transfers and cash withdrawals. However the balance transfers are excluded from the credit cards that issued by The Co-Operative Bank. For this credit card, you can enjoy the up to 59 days interest free credit if you pay your due balance before the due date. Plus, the advantages of holding clear credit card that you won't be charged for using cheques and you get 24-hour medical and legal assistance overseas. The conditions to apply this card are you must be a UK resident who is at aged 21 years old or over with the gross annual income of £10,000 or more.
As for flat rate platinum credit card, you are entitled the standard interest rate of 11.9% APR typical/variable (variable after 5 years) for purchases and balance transfers, the balance transfers are not counted in if the credit card is issued by The Co-Operative Bank. To apply this credit card, you must be a UK resident who is at aged 25 years old or over with the gross income of £25,000 or more be an existing credit card holder. The benefits of having this platinum card is the rate is fixed for 5 years, and you can get 46 days interest free credit if you pay your due balance before the due date mentioned. Besides, you can get your Platinum Travelclub benefits and free 90 day Purchase Protection Insurance which is including : -
1. emergency cash and card replacement service
2. 24 hour medical and legal help
3. up to £100,000 free Travel Accident Insurance provided you used your card to pay your travel tickets
As for the rate tracker platinum credit card, you can get the 5.75% fixed for 6 months and thereafter of 4% above Bank of England base rate.This equivalent to 13.4% APR typical/variable and the extra £2 will be added into the APR every month. For this card, you can enjoy up to 46 days interest free credit if you pay your due balance before due date. However, this offer is excluded if the credit card is issued by The Co-Operative Bank. For the balance transfer, the 2.5% of transfer value will be charged, this rate will be changed after the promotional rate period is over. By having this credit card, you are entitled the Platinum Travelclub benefits which give you 5% discount on all brochure priced holidays stated by The Co-Operative Bank TravelClub, and get your attractive discount and up to £100,000 free Travel Accident Insurance when you pay your ticket worldwide as well as get 7% on parking, lounges and hotels at UK airports. This card provides you to have emergency cash and card replacement service and 24 hour of help in medical and legal.
If you are planning to hold travel credit card, then you can get 0% fixed for 6 months from the date your account is opened, and thereafter is standard rate 16.9% APR typical/variable. With this travel credit card, you can enjoy free Travel Insurance, 5% discount on 1000 or more holidays booked with Travelcare, get your travel reward points which the point worth £0.01 earned for every pound spent on the card and up to 59 days interest free credit if you pay your due before due date. To apply this card, you must be a UK resident who at aged 18 years or over and with gross annual income of £10,000 or more.
For above information, the interest rates and time period offer are based on "Details accurate at date of publishing." Do visit to The Co-Operative Bank for more detailed explanation.
*This post brought to you by Co-operative Bank*